Contaminated root perforation. What should I do?
Contaminated root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with contamination, before closing the perforation with MTA...
Contaminated root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with contamination, before closing the perforation with MTA...
MTA and bioceramic repair cements in general are the gold standard for indirect pulp capping in...
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Root perforation without bone damage. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and there is no further...
Treatment in incomplete rhizogenesis
Access surgery for fixed prostheses... Endodontics on prosthetic crown. Patient referred for endodontic treatment of teeth 13 and 23,...
Treatment of a tooth with a calcified canal
Upper pre-molar Upper pre-molar with three canals. Patient referred for retreatment of tooth 24 with 3 canals, with...
Endodontic treatment in a lower molar with two canals and hypercementosis, which makes the radiographic interpretation of the anatomy difficult, highlighting the importance of the foraminal locator in these cases. Case carried out in the endodontics specialization clinic of class III, by the students Ana Luiza and Nayara.