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Phytotherapies in dentistry. Relationship with bleeding.

Phytotherapeutics in Dentistry. Anticoagulant effects of phytotherapeutic drugs and their importance in dental surgical procedures. Work published in RGO, oriented by Prof. Dr. Jonatas Oliveira and with the participation of Profs. Drs. Ricardo Machado (SC) and Frederico Martinho (Unv. Maryland USA) and academics.

Abstract: Phytotherapies in dentistry. Research project. Carlos Ferrari, 2015, UNESP.

Interest in alternative therapies, in particular the use of medicinal plants, has grown exponentially among the general population. This treatment is part of the so-called Alternative and Complementary Medicine, which also includes other therapeutic forms. A phytotherapeutic is the product obtained from vegetable origin with studied medicinal properties, efficacy, safety, and known risks, and quality control in its production. It is possible to verify in the literature several medical indications for these vegetable substances, with significant positive results, due to their numerous therapeutic properties, among them, the control of microorganisms, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. 

The general population may make use of herbal medicines without a prescription or even adequate dosage. Bardia et al. (2007) found that about two thirds of patients who used these drugs had no knowledge about the scientific evidence of these products. Moreover, in many countries, the production and trade of herbal medicines is done indiscriminately. Thus, some care by health professionals is necessary, due to the high rate of use of these products, 36 to 63%, among patients evaluated during the period of one year.

There is a great myth about the innocuous nature of herbal medicines, known as natural products and, therefore, safe. However, like any medication, herbal medicines can present contraindications, adverse and side effects that must be observed and taken into consideration by the health professional, since several systemic conditions contraindicate the use of herbal substances, which can worsen a pre-existing condition.

One of the most common side effects of herbal medicines, reported in the literature, is interference with the body's natural coagulation factors, alone or in interaction with allopathic substances, which can cause bleeding during and after surgical procedures.

It has been described that a large number of herbal substances can interact with allopathic medications, and potentiate some adverse effects or act as antagonists. Among the allopathic medications that have their effects affected by these interactions, particularly of interest to dentistry, are anticoagulants such as warfarin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, and analgesics such as acetaminophen. According to Mousa (2010), about 180 different drugs or natural supplements have the potential to interact with Warfarin and around 120 with acetylsalicylic acid or other medications.

However, some studies regarding the adverse effects of herbal medicines and their drug interactions may be inconclusive and contradictory, since in many cases they are based only on "in vitro" studies, isolated case reports, or even theoretical illusions without any scientific substantiation.

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