Root perforation with bone damage. What to do?
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Root perforation without bone damage. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and there is no further...
Treatment in incomplete rhizogenesis
Drilling without MTA. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and you are not an endodontic specialist...
Bioceramic cements in pulpotomy. MTA and bioceramic repair cements in general are the gold standard for...
MTA and bioceramic repair cements in general are the gold standard for pulp capping in the treatment of...
Fractured file and perforation. Case of endodontic reintervention made difficult by the presence of a fractured file and an adjacent perforation...
Apicectomy in lower canine. Case report. Patient was indicated for paraendodontic surgery in the right lower canine, after treatment and...
Pulpotomy with MTA. Responsible for the 8-year-old patient sought the clinic for treatment of molar teeth with extensive caries...
Direct pulp protection with bioceramic. A 15-year-old male patient came to the clinic reporting typical symptoms of reversible pulp inflammation...