External resorption and calcification. Case report.
External resorption and calcification. A case of root canal calcification and external root resorption in a patient with a history of trauma...
External resorption and calcification. A case of root canal calcification and external root resorption in a patient with a history of trauma...
External root resorption. Case report.
Endodontic diagnosis . Lesson on endodontic diagnostic technique https://youtu.be/tgane8SJQZ4 Anamnesis Case history Clinical examination Radiographic examination In: Souza...
Caucasian patient, male, 35 years old, was referred by a colleague for evaluation and possible endodontic surgery in tooth 15, with endodontic treatment performed and intraradicular retainer installed. On clinical examination, a well-adapted prosthesis on the tooth and the presence of scar tissue in the periapical region of tooth 14, possibly related to a fistula originated from an endodontic infection of this tooth, recently treated.
Florid dysplasia. Patient referred for treatment of tooth 37 due to a periapical radiolucent image. Patient black, 43 years old,...
External root resorption. Case report.
A case of reversible pulpal inflammation of difficult diagnosis, whose cause was occlusal contact in premolar guide disocclusion. Patient.
Non-endodontic periapical lesion and differential diagnosis. Live lecture with Prof. Carlos Augusto das Neves, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, from...
Case of periapical cemental dysplasia. A 46-year-old black female patient was sent for endodontic evaluation because of the image...