Root perforation with bone damage. What to do?
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Root perforation without bone damage. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and there is no further...
Drilling without MTA. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and you are not an endodontic specialist...
Fractured file and perforation. Case of endodontic reintervention made difficult by the presence of a fractured file and an adjacent perforation...
Endodontic perforation. In some situations, the clinical evaluation and the patient's decision should guide the management...
Lower incisor paraendodontic surgery with perforation. Patient, female, 88 years old, indicated by a colleague after perforation during attempt of...
Root perforation. Special patient with intense pain and the indication by the colleague, of resolution in a single consultation, without...
External resorption and lateral perforation.