Upper premolar with three roots and three canals.
Upper pre-molar with three roots and three canals, made by fellow endodontist Igor Fajan, a former student of our...
Upper pre-molar with three roots and three canals, made by fellow endodontist Igor Fajan, a former student of our...
Large endodontic perforation. Large perforation in tooth 11. In the first session, decontamination and medication with...
Root perforation and bioceramic. Tooth 21 with chronic apical abscess, periapical radiolucent image and perforation caused by intraradicular retainer. The...
Retreatment of a tooth with hypercementosis. Case in which the tooth was retreated at the request of a colleague, due to treatment falling short of...
Retreatment of a tooth with external resorption. Asymptomatic patient referred for retreatment of tooth 37. Clinical tests were negative....
Upper pre-molar Upper pre-molar with three canals. Patient referred for retreatment of tooth 24 with 3 canals, with...
Endoguide for removal of fractured retainers. Patient was referred by prosthodontist for removal of fractured fiber posts inside...