Periodontal pathology with imaging in the periapical region

Patient sent for endodontic treatment of element 31 due to observation of periapical radiolucent image. On clinical examination, the tests revealed no different response in relation to adjacent teeth, positive in relation to the thermal test with gas and negative to percussion. Slight pain was reported in relation to the palpation test in the root region of tooth 31. On probing, periodontal pocket was revealed in the proximal regions. The presence of calculus was also observed. The pathology was diagnosed as of periodontal origin and the case was sent to the periodontist for treatment and orientation for possible endodontic treatment concomitant with periodontal.

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Radiolucent image in a patient under orthodontic treatment. False periapical lesion.

Patient under orthodontic treatment, referred for endodontic treatment due to visualization of a "periapical lesion" on teeth 43 and 44. After clinical and radiographic exams, we diagnosed the teeth as normal pulp, without inflammation, and the patient was referred again to the indicator, with the recommendation of proservation. Case conducted in class I of specialization in endodontics at HPG Brasília by students Bianca and Leticia.

ContinuereadingRadiolucent imagein a patient under orthodontic treatment. False periapical lesion.