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endodontics in incomplete rhizogenesis

Pulp vitality. Endodontics in incomplete rhizogenesis. Online class.

Pulp vitality. Endodontic treatment in incomplete rhizogenesis. Part 3. Online Class.

Endodontic treatment in incomplete rhizogenesis, in teeth with pulp vitality, performed in the period of mixed dentition, has completely different particularities in relation to teeth with a completely formed apex, and the dentist must be familiar with these differences, which range from access surgery, to the phase of irrigation and preparation, and especially the obturation and the materials and techniques used in this phase.

Unlike conventional treatment, endodontics on teeth with incomplete root formation has a more conservative view and a less invasive approach. It is an area that usually lies between pediatric dentistry and endodontics, often with different views of treatment between the two areas of dentistry.

This class, divided in two parts, discusses the basic concepts about endodontic treatment in teeth with incomplete root formation, such as the definition and histological characteristics of the tooth with incomplete root formation, Nolla's stages and the characteristics of the pulp in young patients, as well as the diagnostic resources for patients in the mixed dentition, such as vitality tests, visual analysis of the exposed pulp, clinical and radiographic examination. In addition, some materials used in clinical cases are exposed, such as bioceramic cements and MTA and instruments for their application, fibrin-rich plasma and laser.

The second lecture presents the different treatment modalities according to pulpal diagnosis, pulp capping and pulpotomy for teeth with vitality and apicification and revascularization for teeth with necrosis. Furthermore, it discusses the differences between apicigenesis and apicification according to the treatment performed. It also presents data from the literature regarding the topics discussed in class.

Endodontic treatment in incomplete rhizogenesis. Part 3. Online Class.

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