Benign cementoblastoma. Case report.

Caucasian patient, male, 35 years old, was referred by a colleague for evaluation and possible endodontic surgery in tooth 15, with endodontic treatment performed and intraradicular retainer installed. On clinical examination, a well-adapted prosthesis on the tooth and the presence of scar tissue in the periapical region of tooth 14, possibly related to a fistula originated from an endodontic infection of this tooth, recently treated.

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Periodontal Pathology

Periapical lesion without endodontic origin.

Patient sent for endodontic treatment of element 31 due to observation of periapical radiolucent image. On clinical examination, the tests revealed no different response in relation to adjacent teeth, positive in relation to the thermal test with gas and negative to percussion. Slight pain was reported in relation to the palpation test in the root region of tooth 31. On probing, periodontal pocket was revealed in the proximal regions. The presence of calculus was also observed. The pathology was diagnosed as of periodontal origin and the case was sent to the periodontist for treatment and orientation for possible endodontic treatment concomitant with periodontal.

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