Internal whitening in lower molar. Case report.
Internal whitening in the lower molar. The patient came to the clinic complaining of pain and swelling in the lower right gingival region and darkening...
Internal whitening in the lower molar. The patient came to the clinic complaining of pain and swelling in the lower right gingival region and darkening...
Periapical cemental dysplasia. Case report. A white, 40-year-old female patient came to the clinic after a colleague's appointment for...
Apicectomy in lower canine. Case report. Patient was indicated for paraendodontic surgery in the right lower canine, after treatment and...
Bilateral odontogenic sinusitis. Case of sinusitis with odontogenic origin in a patient who has undergone several medical treatments. Patient reported to have...
Odontogenic sinusitis. Characteristics and diagnosis of sinusitis with dental origin or endo antral syndrome. Lectures for dental surgeons and physicians.
Caucasian patient, male, 35 years old, was referred by a colleague for evaluation and possible endodontic surgery in tooth 15, with endodontic treatment performed and intraradicular retainer installed. On clinical examination, a well-adapted prosthesis on the tooth and the presence of scar tissue in the periapical region of tooth 14, possibly related to a fistula originated from an endodontic infection of this tooth, recently treated.
Removal of the intraradicular retainer
Dental anatomy. Anatomical abnormality of the lower lateral incisor tooth. Patient sought care for endodontic treatment of tooth 41 indicated...
Incomplete rhizogenesis. Apicification in 2nd lower molar with acute periapical abscess. The patient, a 13-year-old male, was referred to the clinic because...
Revascularization. Case in adult patient. Case of revascularization in a tooth with chronic apical abscess in a tooth with incomplete rhizogenesis...