Extensive endodontic perforation.
Large endodontic perforation. Large perforation in tooth 11. In the first session, decontamination and medication with...
Large endodontic perforation. Large perforation in tooth 11. In the first session, decontamination and medication with...
Root perforation and bioceramic. Tooth 21 with chronic apical abscess, periapical radiolucent image and perforation caused by intraradicular retainer. The...
Lateral perforation, above the bone margin. What should I do? A perforation occurred during the access surgery and...
Contaminated lateral root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with lateral contamination, before closing the perforation...
Contaminated root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with contamination, before closing the perforation with MTA...
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...