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Internal tooth whitening.

Internal tooth whitening.

Internal bleaching of a tooth with pulp necrosis using the mixed technique. 45 minutes in the office and one application of internal bleaching agent for one week.

Internal tooth whitening in: Canuto et. al. Internal tooth whitening. Case report. REAS/EJCH | Vol.Sup.n.48

For decades, restorative treatments were considered the basic function of dentists, but this function is currently being reviewed. As the rates of carious lesions decrease and the awareness that dental aesthetics has an influence on self-esteem and social life, the focus is on aesthetic dentistry (BADOLE GP, 2013).

When using the current standards of beauty, the smile has great relevance, and has been seen by many, as a means of interactive communication of great importance in society. Thus, dark teeth are the reason for the greatest dissatisfaction regarding dental aesthetics, and makes whitening the most sought-after aesthetic procedure in dentistry (SOUZA CR, et al., 2017).
Encouraged by the growing search for this type of procedure, companies began to invest in research in the aesthetic area of dentistry, developing new products with increasingly current technologies, in order to satisfy the desires of the population (CONSOLARO A, 2008). Chromatic transformations can be caused by several reasons, such as: hemorrhage due to trauma, inadequate therapeutic technique, time between trauma and dental care, length of stay of the temporary restoration after root canal treatment, among other causes (SOUZA CR, et al., 2017; CARDOSO RM, et al., 2011).

Several whitening materials and different techniques are available to the dentist to achieve the whitening of teeth, which makes the choice of material and technique debatable. Currently, dentistry is concerned with the conservation of dental structures, and therefore, less invasive techniques are usually more studied (CIOFFI SS, et al., 2011). Based on some studies, internal whitening has been the most indicated treatment for cases of darkening of the dental crown in teeth that have suffered trauma and subsequently underwent endodontic treatment.

Usually teeth that are intact as to their marginal ridges and clinical crown with little or no restorative material (SCHWENDLER A, et al., 2013). Internal whitening treatments are conservative, but only meet the need for chromatic changes and not the shape of the dental elements. They are convenient and affordable procedures compared to other restorative techniques such as composite resins, laminates and porcelain crowns (LUCENA MTL, et al., 2015). For centuries there is treatment with tooth whitening in non-vital teeth, however, it is still a great challenge for professional dental surgeons, due to the results of the techniques used and their long-term maintenance have no predictability. Anyway, the professional is not able to assure the patient success to the treatment on the tooth involved in the treatment (BADOLE GP, 2013).

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