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Odous Phantom Files. User's Guide.

Odous Phantom files. Basic description of the Phantom rotary files system suggested for the students in our courses, part of the guide for the main systems available in Brazil.

Description of the delimas odous phantom technique according to the manufacturer:

Sequence Mechanized Instrumentation - ODOUS Phantom

Prof. Nilton Vivacqua
1-) Exploration odous phantom files- with File Type C #15 or smaller, use Catheterization movement, until near
of the Apparent Tooth Length (ADL), measured in the initial X-ray. Important to use up to file #15.
(Hint: use Oscillatory Contra-Angle) .

2-) Cervical/Medium preparation odous phantom files - in the rotary program [Orifice Shaper (OS) 500 rpm - 2.5 to 3], w/ OS 23/.09, use pecking movements for penetration and brushing for anti-curvature. a-) Constricted and Medium Conduits (#15 to #25 just apically) - up to ± 5 mm below the CAD or to the curvature. b-) Wide Ducts (#25 loosely apical) - up to ± 4 or 3 mm behind the CAD or up to the curvature.

3-) Foraminal Patency and Odontometry odous phantom files- with a Type C #15 or smaller file, use Enlarging movements until passing through the foramen (FO) (Hint). Determine the Initial Anatomical File (LAI) (preferably .02 NiTi File) and the
Length to the FO, using the "Zero/Apex" of the Electronic Foraminal Finder (LEF) w/ the LAI set to this position.

4-) Apical preparation of odous phantom files - with the Working Length (CW) established, choose the sequence below according to the
amplitude of the LAI measurement made in Odontometry:
a-) Constricted Ducts (LAI #10 - #15) use the sequence up to the CW: GP 20/.03, AP 25/.05, AP 35/.04
b-) Medium Conduits (LAI #20 - #25) use the sequence up to the TC: AP 25/.05, AP 35/.04, AP 40/.04
c-) Large Ducts (LAI #30 - #35) use the sequence up to the CT: AP 35/.04, AP 40/.04, AP 50/.03
In the Rotatory program [GlidePath (GP) 350 RPM - 1 to 1.5; Apical Prep (AP) 350 RPM - 1.5 to 2], use
pecking movements, until the determined CT is reached. In case of difficulty, alternate the
Step 6, make short forward movements and/or increase the Torque by 0.5 Do not force!
The Final Anatomical File (LAF) must be at least 3 instruments above the LAI.
When finished, confirm the LAF with the LEF in the FO. If necessary, in conduits with LAI > #40,
supplement with larger calibrated instruments. Conduits with steps, deviations, blockages,
obturations, atresias and accentuated curvatures may require changes. In flattenings, use
the Oscillatory C.A. with hand files, File Move, or Ultrasound.

5-) Obturation - Select a gutta-percha cone with a taper similar to that
of the last file used, and proceed with the obturation technique of your choice.
6-) Irrigation - Use copious irrigation at each file change. Always Clean the
Spiral and Recap Step 1.

odous phantom files

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