Lateral perforation above the bone margin. What should I do?
Lateral perforation, above the bone margin. What should I do? A perforation occurred during the access surgery and...
Lateral perforation, above the bone margin. What should I do? A perforation occurred during the access surgery and...
Contaminated lateral root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with lateral contamination, before closing the perforation...
Contaminated root perforation. What should I do? In the case of an old perforation with contamination, before closing the perforation with MTA...
Larger root perforation with bone damage. What should I do? A perforation has occurred during access surgery and there is...
Root perforation without bone damage. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and there is no further...
Drilling without MTA. What should I do? A perforation occurred during access surgery and you are not an endodontic specialist...
Dental anatomy. Anatomical abnormality of the lower lateral incisor tooth. Patient sought care for endodontic treatment of tooth 41 indicated...
Paper published in BDS in partnership with colleagues from UNESP, Prof. Dr. Cláudio Talge de Carvalho and Ph.
Calcium hydroxide in endodontics. Antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide associated with a new vehicle (Triethanolamine). Paper published in BDS...