Retreatment of a tooth with hypercementosis.
Retreatment of a tooth with hypercementosis. Case in which the tooth was retreated at the request of a colleague, due to treatment falling short of...
Retreatment of a tooth with hypercementosis. Case in which the tooth was retreated at the request of a colleague, due to treatment falling short of...
Retreatment of a tooth with external resorption. Asymptomatic patient referred for retreatment of tooth 37. Clinical tests were negative....
Selective retreatment of mesial canals. Endodontist colleague referred the patient to locate the mesial canals with the aid of microscopy. Patient.
Selective endodontic retreatment. Case report. Patient sought care complaining of pain in the upper right gingival region. In the history she reported...
Bilateral odontogenic sinusitis. Case of sinusitis with odontogenic origin in a patient who has undergone several medical treatments. Patient reported to have...
Odontogenic sinusitis. Characteristics and diagnosis of sinusitis with dental origin or endo antral syndrome. Lectures for dental surgeons and physicians.
Despite all the modern resources in endodontic treatment, in some cases the conventional treatment is not enough...