Endodontic treatment failure. Apicectomy in paraendodontic surgery.

A patient came to the clinic complaining of pain when pressing on the anterior lower gingival region. On clinical examination, pain on percussion in the region 41 to 32. Radiographic and tomographic exam revealed a radiolucent area in the apical region of tooth 31, besides a fixed prosthesis and a large intraradicular retainer. We then opted for paraendodontic surgery. Apicectomy was performed, retro preparation with ultrasound and retro filling with bioceramic cement.

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Root fracture in lower molar

Patient indicated for endodontic treatment of tooth 45 with restorative purpose, reported pain when chewing and touching tooth 46. In the clinical examination it was observed prosthetic crown in that tooth besides gingival recession and pain to percussion and palpation. Radiographic examination revealed images consistent with a root fracture: fracture line in the furcation, a ¨J¨ image in the distal root and an enlarged image of the distal canal. The diagnosis was therefore a root fracture and the patient was referred for tooth extraction.

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