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Lima MK Life Pro R. User's Guide.

Lima MK Life Pro R. Basic description of the reciprocating file system,, suggested for students in our courses, part of the guide to the main systems available in Brazil.

Manufacturer's description:

The Pro-R Retreatment MK Life Reciprocating Files are 25 NiTi files with variable taper and double helix cross-section. They facilitate the preparation of very curved and narrow canals, and are also suitable for root canal clearance in retreatment. They are used with an endodontic motor in a reciprocating motion.

Manufactured with heat-treated NiTi alloys, conferring greater resistance to the instrument.

These files allow a safer removal and preparation of the canals due to the thermal treatment, and can also be used for root canal treatments (endodontics), and are not restricted to retreatments.

They are 25mm long, have a double helix cross section, and variable taper;

Blister with 03 units.


  • Package with 3 units


  • Made of NiTi
  • Size 25
  • Variable Taper
  • Length of the File - 25mm
  • It has a double helix cross section
  • Facilitates the preparation of very curved and narrow canals
  • Also indicated for canals desobturation, in retreatment

Lima MK Life Pro R.

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