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Foraminal modeling

Intentional foraminal enlargement: a critical review. Paper published in the journal Endodontic Practice (UK), in partnership with Profs. Dr. Ricardo Machado (SC) and Frederico Martinho (Univ. Maryland USA).

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The endodontic literature has frequently demonstrated the difficulties in obtaining an adequate cleaning and sanitation process, especially in the final millimeters of root canals. Moreover, in some cases, the endodontic infection is found beyond the limits of the apical constriction, i.e., in the apical foramen or beyond (extraradicular biofilm). The intentional enlargement of the apical foramen aims to reduce the microbial contingent in these areas to levels favorable to repair. Therefore, the aim of this article was to perform a critical analysis based on the literature, evaluating the advantages, disadvantages and local and systemic risks of this procedure. After the literature review, it was possible to conclude that there is no scientific evidence supporting the performance of foraminal widening in human beings. Moreover, the methodological design of future studies where this procedure will be performed should be even more careful because the literature consulted in this article reiterates that this procedure offers both local and systemic risks.

Keywords: apical foramen; foraminal enlargement; endodontic treatment.


Endodontics is one of the dental specialties that has undergone the most changes in its paradigms due to technical and scientific developments. However, the binomial "cleaning and shaping"(1), continues to be one of the pillars of the specialty, especially in cases where there is contamination of the root canal system.

Due to the anatomical complexity, the literature has demonstrated, throughout history, the difficulties in obtaining an adequate cleaning and sanitation process, especially in the apical thirds(2). In addition, in some cases, the endodontic infection is found beyond the limits of apical constriction, i.e., in the apical foramen or beyond (extraradicular biofilm)(3-5). In these situations, the intentional instrumentation of the apical foramen aims to reduce the microbial contingent in these areas to levels favorable to the repair(6, 7). Previous studies have shown encouraging results when intentional foraminal enlargement is performed due to the mechanical action of the instruments and the chemical action of irrigating solutions(8-12).

Therefore, the aim of this article is to perform a literature review critically analyzing the probable benefits and risks of intentional foraminal enlargement considering possible local and systemic repercussions.


Anatomical considerations

Undeniably, in teeth where there is pulp necrosis and periradicular lesions, the whole path of the root canal is contaminated(5, 13-16). For this reason, there is a common sense in the literature that foraminal patency is able to clear the apical foramen and promote a microbiological disorganization in this region by the use of a thin caliber instrument lightly touching its walls(17, 18).

The foraminal enlargement, in turn, is performed by means of different techniques and instruments. It consists in the mechanical enlargement of the apical foramen aiming at its decontamination through the excision of contaminated dentin and cementum(6, 19). In teeth with pulp vitality, previous studies have demonstrated the favoring of tissue repair due to a closer contact of calcium hydroxide with periradicular tissues(20) and the stimulation of defense cells after foraminal enlargement(7).

However, to perform a safe foraminal enlargement, it would be necessary to determine the shape and diameter of the apical foramen, which is clinically impossible(21, 22)). In most dental groups, because the apical foramen has an oval shape, conventional endodontic instruments are not able to fulfill this purpose(23-26). Consequently, adequate cleaning cannot be achieved(21, 26, 27).

Moreover, a number of clinical studies have shown a high frequency of instrument fractures in the apical third due to its irregular anatomy and the degree of constriction of this region(28, 29). In addition, considering that, especially in posterior teeth, the apical foramen is located laterally to the root apex(30), foraminal enlargement may predispose to an even higher incidence of fractures.

Another limiting factor for foraminal enlargement is the impossibility of foraminal patency. This occurs due to the presence of abrupt curvatures, two or more main apical foramen, apical deltas or complete or incomplete isthmus(31)

Taking the above into consideration, foraminal enlargement, although a microbiologically plausible idea, cannot always be performed. Moreover, in controlled clinical studies with robust samples and adequate inclusion and exclusion criteria(32-35) there are no reports of intentional foraminal enlargement in the clinical protocols adopted. Yet success rates exceed 85% even in cases of radiographically visible necrosis and/or periradicular lesions(32-34)).

Extravasation of sodium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide and obturating materials

Sodium hypochlorite is the most widely accepted and used irrigating substance worldwide(36-39). However, it has a highly harmful effect when extravasated into the periradicular tissues, maxillary sinus or when injected into the gingival mucosa(40-43). The most common consequences of this accident are severe pain, immediate inflammation of the affected area, extension of the edema to the face, lips and infraorbital region, hemorrhage from the root canal, interstitial hemorrhage with ecchymosis of the skin and mucosa, secondary infection and paresthesia(44).

Another drug used in endodontics that has reports of extravasation with negative consequences is calcium hydroxide. Fava in 1993 and Marais & Van der Vyver in 1996 reported cases of extravasation of calcium hydroxide into the maxillary sinus causing acute pain and foreign body reaction(45, 46). Johannessen et al. in 2003 reported a case of calcium hydroxide extravasation into the mandibular canal with acute pain and paresthesia(47). Neural lesions(48), severe periradicular inflammation and the need for extraction of the tooth involved(49) and the persistence of periradicular lesions have also been associated with calcium hydroxide extrusion(50).

The obturating materials (mainly the solid ones) are also responsible for a series of complications after their extravasation(51-55) such as; the incidence of periradicular compromises of the foreign body type, flare-ups and postoperative pain by activation of exacerbated inflammatory responses(51-62). All material extruded beyond the apical foramen is irritating to the peri-radicular tissues to a greater or lesser extent. There is no scientific evidence proving any benefit that justifies the intentional extravasation of irrigants, pastes and cements(63-67)

          It is licit to consider the hypothesis that the greater the enlargement of the apical foramen, the greater the chances of extravasation of any substance used in the root canal(44). However, more research is needed to prove this hypothesis.


Patients who are taking or have recently taken bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonates are drugs used for the treatment of bone diseases and in the prevention of tumor metastasis(68). Their chronic use is directly related to osteonecrosis of the jaws after the performance of dental procedures(68-71) As they are drugs widely used nowadays, the dental surgeon must be aware of some probable effects capable of influencing the prognosis of the treatment.

Specifically related to Endodontics, some important care must be considered such as:

  • The use of antiseptic substances such as chlorhexidine should be performed in order to reduce the bacterial load of the oral cavity(72) and the risk of bacteremia due to possible trauma to the soft tissues during treatment(68).
  • Because vascularization is compromised, constituting a greater risk of osteonecrosis, and considering that bisphosphonates exert an antiangiogenic action, the use of anesthetics with vasoconstrictors should be avoided(68, 73, 74).
  • Special care should be taken in order to reduce the data to the gingival tissue as much as possible(68, 75).
  • Obturation techniques that offer lower risks of overburation and overextension should be prioritized(34, 68, 76).

According to Katz in 2005 and Edwards et al. in 2008(70, 71), in patients who are using or have recently used these drugs, one of the main precautions is to establish a working length close to the apical constriction in order to reduce debris extrusion and exacerbated inflammatory reactions during and after treatment. In addition, foraminal patency itself should be avoided(68). This can considerably increase the chances of bacteremia(68, 77). Such statements are based on the fact that bisphosphonates directly interfere with the bone remodeling process and the inhibition of chemical mediators of the inflammatory process(70, 71).

Considering the above, in view of the need for endodontic interventions in patients who are or have recently been taking bisphosphonates, it seems obvious that the intentional enlargement of the apical foramen is a completely contraindicated procedure.

Patients with coagulation disorders or taking anticoagulants

In healthy patients hemostasis is associated with 4 main factors: blood vessel walls, blood platelets, the coagulation system, and the fibrinolytic system. The constriction of blood vessels constitutes the first step, followed by platelet adhesion and aggregation, and fibrin deposition. Then the coagulation process is guided by physiological anticoagulants. Activation of fibrinolysis is triggered by the presence of fibrin and tissue-type plasminogen activators at the site of fibrin formation, a process regulated by physiologic inhibitors such as 2-antiplasmin, histidine-rich glycoprotein, and plasminogen activator inhibitor(78, 79).

In patients with coagulopathies or on anticoagulants, this process is completely altered, resulting in excessive bleeding even from small stimuli. Therefore, these patients may neglect their oral health because of bleeding gums during hygiene and, consequently, greater risks of periodontal disease and caries can be observed. Therefore, the dental surgeon should be aware of the impact of blood disorders or the use of anticoagulants on the treatment of his patients(80-82)

Specifically related to Endodontics, in patients with coagulation disorders or under use of anticoagulants, this should be, whenever possible, the first choice over the extraction of the dental element. However, the process of cleaning and sanitation must be confined to the limits of the root canal(83). Therefore, foraminal instrumentation seems to be completely contraindicated.

Patients at high risk of bacteremia

Several systemic complications have been reported as a consequence of dental infections. Among the most frequent are bacterial endocarditis, myocardial infarction, brain abscess, and bone, antral, and blood infections(84-90)).

During the performance of endodontic treatment, the cleaning and shaping process has the potential to insert bacteria into the bloodstream and lymphatic system(89, 91-93). Blood samples collected during and after endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis revealed the presence of the same bacteria both in the root canal system and in the bloodstream of the patients evaluated(77, 94-96)Therefore, microorganisms present in the root canal can reach and settle in places far from their place of origin(93).

Extrusion of debris during the cleaning and disinfection process of the root canal system has been frequently demonstrated, regardless of the systems and techniques used(97-100).

Specifically correlating debris extrusion and the apical limit of instrumentation, Tinaz et al. in 2005 conducted a study in order to compare debris extrusion during manual and rotary instrumentation on teeth that had the constriction and apical foramen intentionally dilated(101). Fifty-two teeth were divided into two groups with 26 specimens each according to the instrumentation technique (manual with K-type instruments and rotary using the Profile .04 Taper Series 29 system). These were further divided into two subgroups where the apical foramen was intentionally widened by the action of instruments n. 15 and n. 30, two millimeters beyond the apical foramen. Sodium hypochlorite 2.6% was the irrigating solution used. No statistically significant differences were found regarding debris extrusion comparing manual and rotary instrumentation. However, in both techniques there was a tendency to greater extrusion of debris when the constriction and apical foramen had been intentionally more dilated.

Therefore, an instrumentation limit beyond the apical foramen should be avoided in patients with a high risk of bacteremia considering the higher risk of systemic spread of microorganisms(15, 77, 85, 91, 102).


The difficulties to obtain an adequate cleaning and sanitation process, especially in the final millimeters of the root canals, have been constantly demonstrated(2, 85, 103-105). Consequently, a wider range of instrumentation has been advocated for a more effective action of both endodontic instruments(106, 107) and irrigating solutions(108-110) and intracanal medications(12).

Moreover, in some cases, the endodontic infection is found beyond the limits of the apical constriction, that is, in the apical foramen or beyond (extraradicular biofilm)(3-5). In these situations, the intentional instrumentation of the apical foramen aims to reduce the microbial contingent in these areas to levels favorable to the repair(6, 7).

However, the great truth is that, so far, there are only animal studies comparing success rates between intentional instrumentation of the apical foramen and conventional instrumentation limits (near the apical constriction)(6, 20). Even considering the positive results found in these researches, there is no way to infer that this procedure will have the same positive biological responses in human beings. According to the precepts of Evidence-Based Dentistry, some criteria need to be respected and followed before performing any intervention in humans. First, laboratory studies must be performed to build a plausible hypothesis to be tested in vivo. Next, in vivo studies in animals should be performed to observe possible toxic or harmful potentials of substances, drugs, or surgical interventions. Finally, controlled longitudinal clinical studies are needed to observe the results obtained proving or not the advantages or disadvantages of the hypothesis previously considered(111-114).

Specifically speaking about intentional foraminal widening, there is no scientific evidence to support its realization. To date, there is not one randomized clinical study with longitudinal follow-ups evaluating the success rates of endodontic treatments or retreatments where the apical limits of instrumentation were established at or beyond the apical foramen. On the other hand, considerable success rates have been found in controlled clinical studies with robust sample sizes and adequate inclusion and exclusion criteria where apical limits of instrumentation were determined close to the apical constriction(5, 33, 34).

Obviously, considering the scientific dynamics, the impacts of intentional enlargement of the apical foramen in relation to the success of endodontic therapy should be evaluated. However, the methodological designs of these studies should be even more careful, because the literature consulted in this article reiterates that this procedure offers both local and systemic risks to the patient.

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